EUROstor Presents Ceph and ZFS Cluster at storage2day

EUROstor Metro-Cluster presents solutions with Open-E and iSCSI Ceph Cluster with PetaSAN at the exhibition organized by Heise and dpunkt in Heidelberg.


Filderstadt, 29 August 2019

The storage2day, a conference for storage networks and data management organized by the magazine iX and dpunkt.verlag, will take place for the first time at the Print Media Academy Heidelberg from September 17 to 19.

EUROstor will present its storage solutions with a focus on Ceph Cluster and ZFS based Metro-Clusters.

In cooperation with Open-E and their JovianDSS software, EUROstor has developed Fibre Channel based ZFS clusters, which provide clients with unified storage via NAS (NFS and CIFS) as well as via iSCSI and 32 Gbit Fibre Channel storage volumes. Both the cluster nodes and the JBODs with the hard disks are distributed to two locations at Fibre Channel distance. The disks are mirrored in pairs so that all data remains available without interruption even if one side fails completely.
Since all hard disks of both cluster nodes are visible like local hard disks via the Fibre Channel connection, rebooting a node for maintenance purposes does not break the mirrors – unlike with replicating solutions.

Another focus of EUROstor is Ceph Cluster. They can also be used to implement redundancy across multiple locations.

Since Ceph based solutions are generally very complex and require a deeper knowledge of the administrators, software solutions that take over the cluster management largely independently play an increasingly important role. EUROstor therefore works together with software manufacturers such as Ambedded and PetaSAN.

PetaSAN is very interesting in this respect, because this software is limited to the provision of iSCSI volumes. So iSCSI scale-out clusters can be easily set up without deeper Ceph knowledge, via a very intuitive GUI. But the system is not isolated. Ceph professionals can, if they wish, access the Ceph installation directly via the console to optimize it for their needs.

EUROstor designs and builds complete solutions based on various software products according to customer requirements and installs them on site.

Further information about the EUROstor Scale-Out solutions:

iSCSI Scale-Out Cluster based on Ceph with PetaSAN

ES-8700JDSS Cluster with Open-E JovianDSS


Further information about storage2day conference: